

The Marshmallow Experiment

     According to researchers, marshmallows can predict a person’s health and success in life for years to come. That might sound silly, but this is how it works: One at a time, a young child was brought into a room, sat in a chair, and presented with one marshmallow on the table in front of them. The researcher told the child he would leave the room, and if the child did not eat the marshmallow while he was gone, the child would receive a second marshmallow upon his return. As you might expect, many kids could not resist that first marshmallow. Those few children who waited and eventually received the second marshmallow demonstrated a powerful life skill: delayed gratification. 

     As time went on, researchers kept in contact with those children and conducted follow-up studies. The results were impressive. The people who practiced delayed gratification as a young child went on to experience greater success in life in several different aspects, from higher SAT scores, fewer drug problems, greater health, a better social life, and more. The ability to delay gratification in different aspects of life goes on to pay major dividends. 

     Delayed gratification is a useful skill in our faith, as well. God is notorious for making promises to people that often take a while to come to fruition. For example, Abraham waited 25 years from the time God first promised to make him “a great nation” (Genesis 12:2) until Isaac was even born (Genesis 21:5). It would be a few centuries later until Israel could be called a great nation (Exodus 1:9). For us, it has been close to 2,000 years since we were told Jesus Christ would return! (Acts 1:11; I Thessalonians 4:16-17)

     On an individual level, our reward in heaven is something we all have to wait for. “For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.” Tragically, the waiting is too difficult for some. Those who lack the ability to delay gratification by choosing to decline the pleasures of sin (Hebrews 11:25) will be denied entrance into heaven (Hebrews 4:11).

     At the same time, while the gratification of heaven is delayed as long as we maintain breath, life as a Christian is full of instant gratification! There are tremendous spiritual blessings in Christ we get to enjoy right now! You never have to delay going to God in prayer. You do not have to delay the blessings of the fellowship you share with other Christians. Peace of mind is available to you despite your circumstances. Best of all, you do not have to delay your relationship with Christ. You can know Him right now through His word. 

     Life as a Christian involves both delayed and instant gratification. To make an analogy based on the marshmallow experiment - we get to eat marshmallows now and we get to enjoy more later! Oh, how rich are the blessings of a life with Christ!