Consider Your Ways
“Now therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts: ‘Consider your ways!’” Haggai 1:5
The New Year often brings about a time of reflection. As we look back over the previous year, we determine areas of our life needing improvement the following year. Let us take a moment to consider our spiritual ways.
We spent an hour last April during a Sunday afternoon Bible class to discuss characteristics of a strong local church. Here is the (non-exhaustive) list we came up with:
Engaged Christians
Brotherly love
Love for truth (sound doctrine)
Fellowship with God
Conflict resolution
Strong men
Strong women
Church discipline
Good works
Love for the world
Take another look at that list. Is there anything else you might add? Now, do a quick assessment. What are our 2-3 biggest strengths at Danville? What about our 2-3 biggest needs for improvement?
Now here is the most important question so far: What role do you play in helping this family of believers at Danville thrive as a strong local church? The goal of this exercise is to encourage each of us to look in a mirror, not point fingers at others. How do you help us with our strengths? How can you help us improve upon our weaknesses? Please, do not just skim over this paragraph. Stop reading for a moment until you see an accurate reflection of what your role is currently, and what your role needs to be to help us grow stronger. If you are unsure, take the time to reach out to our shepherds and ask for guidance.
Finally, while there is a great deal of merit to this cultural tradition of making New Year’s Resolutions, a wise man does not sit around waiting for the new year to reflect upon the improvement needed in his life. II Corinthians 4:16 teaches us that our “inward man” needs to be “renewed day by day.” Instead of figuring out how you can make our church family stronger this year, figure out how you can make our church family stronger this week. The growth we often desire takes baby steps. Sometimes we spend so much time looking at the finish line, we fail to move past the starting line. Consider your ways, reflect upon your role in strengthening the Lord’s church here in Danville, and just take that first step.